About Winman Academy

We are all set 

to spread and sprinkle crucially required soft skills, life enhancement skills and professional skills among the countrymen. We conduct online classes, workshops and webinars offering total hand holding for creating a life of your dreams with multi dimensional growth. We also offer trainings and workshops for entrepreneurship providing growth and success orientation.


To enrich people with positive thoughts, beliefs and skills for chasing and achieving their wildest dreams.


To grow globally setting new benchmark in life enhancement and soft skills education.


Learn,  Unlearn,  Relearn,  Repeat!

Our Online Workshops, Master Classes and Webinars  are for ...

Teenage Success

  • Study Skills for School Students
  • Positive Parenting of Adolescents
  • Career Planning Before College
  • Success Skills for Youth

Mid-life Success

  • Routine Life to Meaningful Life
  • Redefine your Purpose and Goals for a more Fulfilling Life
  • Design Your Life to be a Winner always

Work Life Success

  • Discover your Passion Scientifically
  • Passion to Profession - the Only Secret of Life Time Success
  • Mentorship for a Fulfilled Life